Redesign runner turbin pembangkit listrik tenaga pico hydro dengan metode reverse engineering melalui pendekatan teoritis
pico hydro turbine propellerAbstract
Remote area is a geographically isolated area which has a very low accessibility. Most of its area has a low level both population and electrification due to its accessibility is so far from National power grid. The electrical problem in remote area can be solved by building a Pico hydropower. One of the important components of Pico hydro is a runner turbine. Based on theoretical design process that refers to the fixed variable flow rate 25 l/s, head 2 m and number of turbine rotation 1500 rpm then to be obtained outer diameter runner turbine propeller is 0,103 m, hub diameter is 0,515m, number of blade is 4 with flat blade profile, hydraulic efficiency is 76% and it is targeted to raise 490 Watt electrical power.